Monday, July 19, 2010

a look of concern

today, on my ride home from work, my SEPTA bus hit a car.

granted, the accident was definitely the car's fault. the car was in the middle lane and attempted to make a right turn in front of the bus, which obviously takes up the right lane to drop people on/off. the bus, having finished letting people on/off, started to go - right as the car was turning. so there was a huge thud, and we were all jolted out of our seats. that was very sad.

even sadder, though, was when we stepped off the bus to get on another one and saw that the driver of the car was this TINY, tiny old lady. she looked so small and so frail, and worst of all, so shocked. she was shaking and looked seriously discombobulated and like she didn't know what to do.

the reason this is a blog post is because of the woman who was already by the car, peering into the window, trying to ask the old lady where she was trying to go, who she could call for help, trying to just help get this poor old woman oriented and back to her senses. she was asking very nicely, very calmly, and very logically. while everyone else was annoyed and muttering, "ugh, it was an old lady!" and being all angry, this woman actually went up to the old lady and tried to help her. i mean, maybe the accident was her fault, but really, she was a victim too.

i had to leave and get on the bus to go home, so i'm not quite sure how this story ends...but i am happy i got to see one very nice part of it :)


  1. aw, that's really sad. after a workday i'm sure people get cranky and not nice. :(

  2. yes.. that's really so nice of her. people should be more caring and understanding of others..
