Thursday, December 3, 2009


today, my friend and i just got off septa and had literally walked maybe two steps on the street when we heard a sound and turned to see that a lady had tripped on the curb going from crossing the road onto the sidewalk, and she just fell an dropped all her stuff.

it was really cool cause two people immediately just dropped their stuff and stopped to help her. so that in itself was nice. but let's go on a blast from the's whole incident really reminded me of this:


"i had a piano lesson tonight, but on the way there i saw something that was really touching. as we stopped at a red light that was about to turn green, a woman hurried across, her bike alongside her. she wasn't young or middle aged, even; maybe late fifties or sixties. i turned to talk to my mom but right at that second she gasped. i whipped my head around and the lady was on the ground, the bike practically on top of her: she must have tripped or something. as i gaped i saw the guy in the car a lane over from us also with his jaw dropped in a gasp; he quickly unbuckled his seatbelt and started to open his door to get out of the car. by then, however, the lady had gotten up and brushed herself off, and quickly finished crossing the street. the guy, still staring after her, closed his door, and traffic resumed. as we pulled into the left turn, i felt so fuzzy inside that there were people like him out there in the world. just out of the kindness of his heart, he was ready to go and help an older lady who had just fallen; someone who he didn't know. others watched and gasped, of course, and felt sympathetic, yet only one acted. i don't know who he was; probably never will: but it's one of those things where a complete stranger you'll probably never see again in your life impact you in such a big way."

cool right?