Wednesday, July 25, 2012

moving over

spotted on the subway today - a little boy and a woman, maybe in her twenties. they sat down at the end of the subway car - you know, that spot where only two adults could fit, and sometimes uncomfortably at that if you're one of those people who doesn't like when you're touching other people sitting down.

the boy and the woman (not sure if it was older sister or maybe possibly even mother?) sat down. as a man walked over near them, the little boy - maybe only 6 or 7 years old - try to move over and pressed against the woman as much as possible to make room for the man - even though the only possible person who could've fit in the tiny spot he created would have had to be like, a toddler.

very cute that someone so young was trying to be considerate in his own way and let another person sit down. unfortunately, the woman got semi-squashed in the process, but since they were (presumably) related, i think it's okay.

thank you little boy for being so cute!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

thank you for holding

so i've started working in the corporate world, and guess what comes with that?


elevators every day. up and down, lots and lots of floors. this entire past week, for example, i've been working on the 50th floor.

this post is a big THANK YOU for all those people - men, mainly - who kindly stand or step aside, holding the elevator door open, waiting for all the women (and sometimes even other men) to exit and being willing to be that last guy off the elevator.

in a world that seems to be in such a big rush all the time, it brightens my day so much when someone is willing to be kind and patient enough to just stand there allowing everyone else to get off first.

small, but simple. these are acts of kindness!


Friday, June 29, 2012

well hello, world

it's been two years.
like, literally two years.

i'm now a college graduate and have started that next chapter of my life as a working woman, but let us not get distracted here. i'm living in a new city - it can get a bit lonely at times, but what better way to cheer myself up than by focusing on those little things that just make life so happy?

 yesterday, i was taking the subway home from work. i feel like everyone's always in a rush when they're on the subway - we're all cranky, we've all had a long day, we all just want to get home and that's really all we care about. so it made me really happy when i saw this scene unfold. as i stepped onto the subway with a few other people, i immediately saw a gorgeous golden-retriever on a leash held by a man who was facing towards the subway door. it took me a second to realize that the man was probably blind and that the dog was most likely a seeing-eye dog. anyway, one stop after i got on, the seat next to the man became empty. now, i don't know how good this guy's other senses were, so i have no idea whether or not he knew that there was an open seat.

but it didn't matter, because another man, who had gotten on at the same spot as me, said to the guy with the dog, "there's an open seat if you want to sit." the blind man replied, "oh, no, i'm getting off at the next stop, that's all right; but thank you." and at that, the man sat down himself in the empty seat.

 it was just cool how he first thought to tell the blind man about the open seat, rather than just sit in it himself immediately. there are some really nice people in the world - glad that hasn't change in the two years i've been too lazy to update this blog! :) 

xoxo (here's a hint - i'm now living in the same city as the original xoxo-er, aka gossip girl)... ss :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

a look of concern

today, on my ride home from work, my SEPTA bus hit a car.

granted, the accident was definitely the car's fault. the car was in the middle lane and attempted to make a right turn in front of the bus, which obviously takes up the right lane to drop people on/off. the bus, having finished letting people on/off, started to go - right as the car was turning. so there was a huge thud, and we were all jolted out of our seats. that was very sad.

even sadder, though, was when we stepped off the bus to get on another one and saw that the driver of the car was this TINY, tiny old lady. she looked so small and so frail, and worst of all, so shocked. she was shaking and looked seriously discombobulated and like she didn't know what to do.

the reason this is a blog post is because of the woman who was already by the car, peering into the window, trying to ask the old lady where she was trying to go, who she could call for help, trying to just help get this poor old woman oriented and back to her senses. she was asking very nicely, very calmly, and very logically. while everyone else was annoyed and muttering, "ugh, it was an old lady!" and being all angry, this woman actually went up to the old lady and tried to help her. i mean, maybe the accident was her fault, but really, she was a victim too.

i had to leave and get on the bus to go home, so i'm not quite sure how this story ends...but i am happy i got to see one very nice part of it :)

Monday, May 31, 2010

trader joe's

i don't know why it's been so long since i've updated. i click on this blog a lot still, and things have happened for me to want to update, but i guess i've just been...lazy. haha.

anyway, today i went to trader joe's with three other friends, and let me tell you, the cashiers at trader joe's are REALLY nice.

our cashier today didn't just stop at "hi." he kept going on to "how are you.." and "are you in school.." and the conversation just flowed so easily - he was SUCH a nice guy. it's so refreshing to see someone who works as mundane and perhaps repetitive a job as a cashier (and mind you, this was at about 9pm, so it definitely wasn't just him being cheerful because it was the beginning of the day) so it was just nice to see someone so CHEERFUL :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

st. patty's :)

cheers to the little old man i saw wearing a beret, suspenders, and just overall looked cute...

cutest of all was the bright green bowtie he was wearing for st. patrick's day :)

and to everyone out there who got trashed safe be safe be safe be safe pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!!!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

spring break

you know how, growing up, you were always told, "don't talk to strangers?"

tonight, i was walking, and this guy was for some reason walking at a really similar pace to me. we walked for a while and i'm not gonna lie, it was awkward because we were walking side by side but not talking.

then all of a sudden he was like, "spring break was too short, wasn't it?"

it was super random and i was really surprised, but i said, "yeah, it was...ugh." haha.

that was literally the extent of our conversation...but it made me smile haha.

in other news, it's FINALLY going to be sunny in philadelphia! :)
